Chilkat has prepared very nice set of components for developers, for various platforms. These components are very handy from time to time.

Recently, I was trying to use Chilkat’s FTP component for a project, I got caught in a problem. My attempt to connect to an FTP server keeps failing with “WSAEWOULDBLOCK”. Chilkat component was kind enough to also give me an error documentation URL, which suggested me that either FTP server is unreachable OR some firewall is blocking connection. I verified all possible reasons but those were not the case.

The strange thing was, I was able to connect to other FTP servers but not this one. Upon spending some more time, I found the reason.

By default, Chilkat FTP component uses EPSV (Extended Passive) if Passive mode is enabled. But some FTP servers, which requires passive mode, can’t do well with Extended Passive mode. So I had to disable this Extended Passive mode to get this going. To do so in Chilkat FTP component, use following property.

ftpObj.UseEpsv = False

Happy Coding!

I just encountered situation where I had to request a page with SSL error.

By default, HttpWebRequest won’t process any request if SSL is invalid but you can override this setting with just one line of code to ignore all SSL error (basically trust all SSL without checking, could be unsafe too).

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (Function(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) True)


ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =((sender, certificate, chain,
sslPolicyErrors) => true); 

This is my first WordPress plugin.

This plugin is useful in conjuction with any auto blogging plugin which automatically posts content to your blog but you don’t have total control on number of daily posts. Basically you can set maximum daily posts allowed on your blog.

Most of the autoblogging plugins use wordpress cron so their frequency is not so accurate.

To post X posts on your blog regularly, you can enter number of posts allowed daily and all other exceeding posts will be moved to trash (or directly deleted depending on your configuration and wordpress installation version).

If you have selected skip trash option, it won’t be possible to recover that post so please make a note of that.

UPDATE: I had received many request for this feature so I have added new feature “Limit per user/author” feature. Update your plugin to latest version to avail this feature.

WordPress plugin information page : Click here

Download : Click here

You can suggest new features using following form.

[contact-form 1 “Feature Request”]

I had hard time to find how to convert plain string HTML source to HtmlDocument (.net object).

As HtmlDocument does not have “new” constructor so we can’t create HtmlDocument object on the fly.

I have created following function for this purpose. Hope it helps!!

Public Function Html2Doc(ByVal src As String) As HtmlDocument
        Dim w As WebBrowser = New WebBrowser
        w.DocumentText = src
        Loop While w.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
        Return w.Document
    End Function


public HtmlDocument Html2Doc(string src)
	WebBrowser w = new WebBrowser();
	w.DocumentText = src;
	} while (w.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete);
	return w.Document;